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This article analyzes the importance of school handbooks and the “Rin Rin” Magazine within Colombia’s modernization under the liberal administration of Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo. It is essential to mention that education was the main goal of the national project; thus, schools represented the accurate place to form the ideal Colombian citizen.  Hence, we addressed the liberal project of villager libraries and the socialization they made about the bibliographic resources that permitted the creation of a speech about hygiene and progress. We came to the conclusion that the State along with its liberal administration was interested in transforming the country through education, practices and Colombian customs and so, strengthen the modernization progress of the country.

Willian Alfredo Chapman Quevedo, Universidad del Tolima

Historian graduated from the Universidad del Atlántico, has a Master in Historical Societies and Political Forms in Europe from the Rovira and Virgili University of Tarragona (Spain), and is a Doctor in Contemporary Social and Political History from the International University of Andalusia (Spain) . Full-time plant professor at the University of Tolima.

Jesús Ángel Castro Fontalvo, Universidad del Atlántico

Historian graduated from the Universidad del Atlántico and Master in History from the same institution. Full professor at the Universidad del Atlántico and member of the Historical Research Group on Education and National Identity (Category A, Colciencias). Among his topics of interest are the history of hygiene and public health, the social history of education and the history of books in the Colombian Caribbean.

Ángela Lucía Agudelo González, Universidad del Tolima

Graduate historian from the Universidad del Atlántico and Master in Geography from the Universidad de los Andes. Professor at the University of Tolima.

Chapman Quevedo, W. A., Castro Fontalvo, J. Ángel, & Agudelo González, Ángela L. (2020). Hygiene; the transformation of a country. School handbooks and the “Rin Rin” magazine at villager libraries in Colombia 1936-1938. Historia Y Espacio, 16(54).