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This article presents the results obtained in a research that analyzed the discourse used in a mobilization called the Mobilization Minga of Social and Communitarian Resistance. This work aims to identify and explain the contextual and content features inherent in this discourse. This qualitative and exploratory research carried out an analytical analysis of a 41-document sample. The analysis was based on concepts and categories taken not only from discourse studies, but also on other recovered categories and concepts from social sciences. The content analysis was the technique used in this work. For contextual features, it was found out that this discourse involves the discourse genre of political resistance communication, having a hybrid characteristic. With respect to content features, it was found out that the expressed social representations correspond to the anti-neoliberal ideology. Due to the fact that only the specific features of a social discourse in a historical time were examined, it can be concluded that, in general, these features cannot be coextensive to any resistance discourse.

William Bermeo Dagua, Universidad del Valle

Graduated in Philosophy from Universidad del Valle, he has a Master's in Linguistics and Spanish from Universidad del Valle and a Doctor of Humanities from the same institution. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philology at the Universidad del Valle.

Bermeo Dagua, W. (2020). Identity Features in the Discourse of the Mobilization Minga of Social and Communitarian Resistance. Historia Y Espacio, 16(54).